Welcome Parents & Young Riders!
This library of articles is dedicated to our younger riders between ages 3 - 16.
It's a directory with links to helpful blog posts that cover all aspects of dirt bikes such as the best bikes, perfect sizing guide, latest pricing, frequently asked questions & free downloads.
1. Kids Dirt Bike 101 - The Basics
Learn the basics of dirt bike for kids and youth right here. This introductory section covers the basics, like the age kids start riding dirt bikes, are dirt bikes dangerous, different types of dirt bikes, few popular brands and give a quick idea on price range. You will also learn the key terms related to the engine, controls and the body of the dirt bike.

2. Kids Dirt Bike Sizes for any Age - The Perfect Fit
Learn how to determine which size kids dirt bike works best for your child. Which dirt bike is suitable for a 3-5 year old or a 5-8 year old versus a 8-12 year old or as 12-16 year old kid. Check out our recommendations as well!
3. How much does it cost for a Kids Dirt Bike - The buyers guide
Learn specific details of different kids dirt bike models by reviewing our fact sheets. See how much it costs. Are they cheaper alternative? Check out our top picks!

4. Frequently Asked Questions on Kids Dirt Bike - The FAQs
This our favorite. We answer commonly asked question such as... Is dirt biking hard? How fast can a 50CC or a 125CC dirt bike go? What is a good age to start motocross? And much more...